Domesday Terms

An area attached to a dwelling (Small Court)

Yardland, as much land as would keep busy through the year a pair of oxen, about 30 acres.

Fourth part of an acre or hide.

A service which some tenants had to perform to their lord at his request to reap his corn at harvest time.

Gule of August
Lammas Day, 1st of August

House with its land and outbuildings.

Form of taxation abolished in the 14th Century, paid to the king or superior.

Casual profit coming to the lord of the manor above regular revenue.

Right of privilege of using something not one’s own

Provision rent
1lb Pepper 1 per year 1 lbs of pepper
9 eggs x 16 once per year 1 gross of eggs
1 Hen x 12 once per year 12 Hens
1 Cock x 12 once per year 12 cocks

RIDING MEN. Of higher standing than villagers.  However, they were apparently not allowed to leave the manor. Originally they were men who rode as messengers or as escorts for the king or their lord  but they also worked their own holdings and those of their lords. They did not owe full military service and were equivalent to the later tenants in sergeantry.


photo of old school rooms on green